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Find color names for colors close to colorBrewer palette





I want to use the R package SNA to do social network analysis. SNA colors elements only using R color names (text names).

I'd like to find near matches from a ColorBrewer palette (set3) to the color names in R.

There aren't many exact matches in the RGB space.

brew10 <- brewer.pal(10, "Set3")
rcol <- colors()
brew10rgb <- col2rgb(brew10)
allrgb <- col2rgb(rcol)
apply(t(brew10rgb), 1, paste, collapse="$$") %in% apply(t(allrgb), 1, paste,collapse="$$")
fltr <- allrgb[1,]==141
fltr <- allrgb[2,]==211

Is there a way to pick good color names for a qualitative palette in R, or to map these RColorBrewer colors to existing colors?

like image 746
Chris Avatar asked Aug 23 '13 17:08


1 Answers

See if this is useful. (It's an LI distance on rgb space):

col.dist <- function(inp, comp) sum( abs(inp - col2rgb(comp) ) )

colors()[ apply(col2rgb(brew10), 2, 
             function(z) which.min( sapply(colors(), 
                           function(x) col.dist(inp=z, comp=x) ) ) ) ]
 [1] "paleturquoise3"  "moccasin"        "lightsteelblue"  "salmon" 
 [5] "lightskyblue3"   "sandybrown"      "darkolivegreen2" "thistle2"
 [9] "gray85"          "orchid3"   

Looks like it might have succeeded looking at:


enter image description here (Although I have never see a thistle that color, and I would have thought number 7 to be more of a "lightolive" than a "darkolive".) You would proably get faster response, although this seemed acceptable, if you made the call to colors once and stored that matrix.

like image 87
IRTFM Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09