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How to set the datacontext of a user control

I'm writing an application in WPF, using the MVVm toolkit and have problems with hooking up the viewmodel and view.

The model is created with ado.net entity framework.

The viewmodel:

public class CustomerViewModel
        private Models.Customer customer;
        private ObservableCollection<Models.Customer> _customer = new ObservableCollection<Models.Customer>();
        public ObservableCollection<Models.Customer> AllCustomers
            get { return _customer; }

        private Models.Customer _selectedItem;
        public Models.Customer SelectedItem
            get { return _selectedItem; }

        public void LoadCustomers()
            List<Models.Customer> list = DataAccessLayer.getcustomers();
            foreach (Models.Customer customer in list)

And the view (no code behind at the moment):

<UserControl x:Class="Customers.Customer"
             xmlns:vm ="clr-namespace:Customers.ViewModels"
             d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="300"
             xmlns:toolkit="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wpf/2008/toolkit" >

        <toolkit:DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding AllCustomers}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedItem, Mode=TwoWay}" AutoGenerateColumns="True">


        <toolkit:DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding SelectedItem.Orders}">



And dataaccesslayer class:

 class DataAccessLayer
        public List<Customer> customers = new List<Customer>();

        public static List<Customer> getcustomers()
            entities db = new entities();

            var customers = from c in db.Customer.Include("Orders")
                           select c;
            return customers.ToList();


The problem is that no data is displayed simply because the data context is not set. I tried to do it in a code-behind but is did not work. I would prefer to do it in a xaml file anyway. Another problem is with the SelectedItem binding - the code is never used.

like image 988
EVA Avatar asked May 17 '10 17:05


1 Answers

Since this is using the MVVM paradigm, I would instance your ViewModel in the constructor for the View. My View/ViewModels typically follow this sequence of events:

  1. View is instanced
  2. View constructor instances ViewModel
  3. ViewModel initializes
  4. ViewModel runs data getting procedures(separate thread)
  5. ViewModel calls OnPropertyChanged("") to alert View that something has changed; check everything

My ViewModel is instanced from the XAML codebehind (sorry this is in VB.NET, have not gotten around to learning C# well enough to trust myself with it):

Public Sub New()
    Me.DataContext = New EditShipmentViewModel(Me) 'pass the view in to set as a View variable
End Sub

Initially I hoped to have something like


But that did not work out like I wanted it to.

Hope that helps a little.

like image 166
CodeWarrior Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 08:09
