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How to Set the Copy Local Property to true in visual studio community 2015

I am trying to set Copy Local property to True in visual studio 2015 but When I change it from false to true and move to the next property, the value changed back to false

like image 695
Raviraj reddy Avatar asked Oct 16 '15 06:10

Raviraj reddy

People also ask

How do I set the copy local property in Visual Studio?

The Copy Local property is set in the Reference Properties dialog box, available from the References pane of the Project Designer. 1. In Solution Explorer, click the Show All Files button to display the References node. 2. Open the References node for the project.

What is copylocal in Visual Studio?

The Copy Local property (corresponding to CopyLocal) determines whether a reference is copied to the local bin path. At run time, a reference must be located in either the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) or the output path of the project.

Can I copy a reference to another project in Visual Studio?

No - Visual Studio uses an internal set of rules to determine what to set Copy Local to. From MSDN: If the reference is another project, called a project-to-project reference, then the value is true.

Is it possible to copy an assembly from one project to another?

No - Visual Studio uses an internal set of rules to determine what to set Copy Local to. From MSDN: If the reference is another project, called a project-to-project reference, then the value is true. If the assembly is found in the global assembly cache, the value is false.

1 Answers

enter image description here

You will need to do the following

  • Click on the reference in the references tab

  • Hit F4 to bring up the properties grid

  • Set "Embed Interop Types" to False (this will ungray Copy Local)

  • Set "Copy Local" to true

like image 125
Sachink Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 13:09
