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How to set shadows in React Native for android?

Hi am trying to set a shadow for my fab but my attempts has failed so far i tried setting shadow props but that is for ios only so i tried to play with elevation property but it doesn't look right.

Here's what i tried

  <View     style={{       width: 56,       height: 56,       elevation: 2,       borderRadius: 28,       marginBottom: 3,       backgroundColor: 'rgba(231,76,60,1)',     }}   ></View> 

What i need to achieve

enter image description here

like image 768
Ibrahim Ahmed Avatar asked Dec 25 '16 09:12

Ibrahim Ahmed

People also ask

How do I add a shadow effect in React Native?

For adding box shadows in Android, we can use the elevation prop, which uses the Android Elevation API. Next, import the StyleSheet again to style the card: // remember to import StyleSheet from react-native const styles = StyleSheet.

How do I change the elevation shadow color in React Native?

Unfortunately, the color of the shadow produced by Android's setElevation cannot be changed. Also, their Material Design guidelines around the web like here don't seem to indicate that you can change the color. In addition, box shadows in React Native are also not supported on Android, based on this.

1 Answers

Adding the CSS property elevation: 1 renders shadow in Android without installing any 3rd party library.

elevation is an Android-only style property available on the View elements.

See: React Native Docs for the elevation style property

If you're open to 3rd party software, another way to get shadows for android is to install react-native-shadow.

Example (adapted from the readme):

import React, { Component } from "react"; import { TouchableHighlight } from "react-native";  import { BoxShadow } from "react-native-shadow";  export default class ShadowButton extends Component {   render() {     const shadowOpt = {       width: 160,       height: 170,       color: "#000",       border: 2,       radius: 3,       opacity: 0.2,       x: 0,       y: 3,       style: { marginVertical: 5 }     };      return (       <BoxShadow setting={shadowOpt}>         <TouchableHighlight           style={{             position: "relative",             width: 160,             height: 170,             backgroundColor: "#fff",             borderRadius: 3,             // marginVertical: 5,             overflow: "hidden"           }}         >           ...         </TouchableHighlight>       </BoxShadow>     );   } } 
like image 189
FuzzyTree Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 04:09
