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How to set rpath origin in cmake?

I found Cmake: How to set rpath to ${ORIGIN} with cmake but my cmake does not have target_link_options.

I'm not installing the binary, I'm only "installing" it with RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, so I don't think CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH will work. Even though, I tried SET(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH "$\{ORIGIN\}") as suggested in the question, but I got

  Syntax error in cmake code at


  when parsing string


  Invalid escape sequence \{

I need to set this rpath which I was using in Makefile:


How to do it in cmake?

like image 918
Guerlando OCs Avatar asked Oct 13 '19 04:10

Guerlando OCs

1 Answers

Following works for me on 3.14


This is what Craig Scott recommended in his CppCon 2019 talk Deep CMake for Library Authors (Slide 100/110)

like image 95
itanium Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 17:10
