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How to set PropertyNamingStrategy for RestTemplate in SpringBoot?

I have written a SpringBoot app that consumes a rest api and presents a rest api. My model pojo's have camelCase named properties. The json that the app consumes has under_score property names. The json that the app produces has under_score property names. I would like to use a PropertyNamingStrategy that will do the conversion automatically between Java and json names during marshalling/unmarshalling.

I have Java config that attempts to set a naming strategy that can handle this;

 * Configuration for Rest api.
 * <p>
 * Created by emurphy on 2/25/16.
    public class RestConfig
         * Bean to make jackson automatically convert from
         * camelCase (java) to under_scores (json) in property names
         * @return ObjectMapper that maps from Java camelCase to json under_score names
        public ObjectMapper jacksonObjectMapper()
            return new ObjectMapper().setPropertyNamingStrategy(new UpperCaseUnderscoreStrategy());

         * Property naming strategy that converts both ways between camelCase and under_score
         * property names.
        public static class UpperCaseUnderscoreStrategy extends PropertyNamingStrategy.PropertyNamingStrategyBase
             * Converts camelCase to under_score and
             * visa versa.  The idea is that this
             * name strategy can be used for both
             * marshalling and unmarshaling.
             * For example, "userName" would be converted to
             * "user_name" and conversely "user_name" would
             * be converted to "userName".
             * @param input formatted as camelCase or under_score string
             * @return input converted to opposite format
            public String translate(String input)
                if (input == null || input.length() == 0)
                    return input; // garbage in, garbage out

                // we always take the first character;
                // this preserves initial underscore
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                final int length = input.length();
                int i = 0;  

                // skip initial underscores
                while ((i < length) && ('_' == input.charAt(i)))
                    i += 1;

                while (i < length)
                    // find underscores, remove and capitalize next letter
                    while ((i < length) && ('_' != input.charAt(i)) && !Character.isUpperCase(input.charAt(i)))
                        i += 1;

                    if(i < length)
                        if('_' == input.charAt(i))
                            // underscore to uppercase

                            // skip underscores
                            while ((i < length) && ('_' == input.charAt(i)))
                                // skip underscores
                                i += 1;

                            // capitalize
                            if (i < length)
                                i += 1;
                        else // uppercase to unscore + lowercase
                            i += 1;
                return sb.toString();

I can see the naming strategy's translate method getting called when my rest service converts Java pojos to json for the response. However, when I'm consuming a rest api, via RestTemplate, I don't see this get called and my resulting pojos are not correctly intialized from the incoming json; all properties whose name would need translation are null. This has forced me to use @JsonProperty on most properties. I have a lot of properties and a lot of pojos - this is a very inelegant, boilerplate kind of solution that SpringBoot is supposed to help with. Is there a way I can set a PropertyNamingStrategy that RestTemplate will use to convert the incoming json names from under_score to camelCase?

Thanks for your help.

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Ezward Avatar asked Mar 18 '16 23:03


4 Answers

When creating a RestTemplate you need to set the objectMapper to yours. Also, you should declare your custom ObjectMapper as a @Bean so it is constructed by Spring as a singleton and managed for you. Do the same for the PropertyNamingStrategy, instead of 'newing' it up and declaring the class as static.

public class RestConfig
     * Bean to make jackson automatically convert from
     * camelCase (java) to under_scores (json) in property names
     * @return ObjectMapper that maps from Java camelCase to json under_score names
    public ObjectMapper jacksonObjectMapper()
        return new ObjectMapper().setPropertyNamingStrategy(propertyNamingStrategy());

    public PropertyNamingStrategy propertyNamingStrategy()
        return new UpperCaseUnderscoreStrategy();

    public RestTemplate restTemplate() {
       RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
       List<HttpMessageConverter<?>> messageConverters = new ArrayList<>();
       MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter jsonMessageConverter = new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter();

       return restTemplate;

And your class is in a separate file? It doesn't need to be static.

     * Property naming strategy that converts both ways between camelCase and under_score
     * property names.
    public static class UpperCaseUnderscoreStrategy extends PropertyNamingStrategy.PropertyNamingStrategyBase
         * Converts camelCase to under_score and
         * visa versa.  The idea is that this
         * name strategy can be used for both
         * marshalling and unmarshaling.
         * For example, "userName" would be converted to
         * "user_name" and conversely "user_name" would
         * be converted to "userName".
         * @param input formatted as camelCase or under_score string
         * @return input converted to opposite format
        public String translate(String input)
            if (input == null || input.length() == 0)
                return input; // garbage in, garbage out

            // we always take the first character;
            // this preserves initial underscore
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            final int length = input.length();
            int i = 0;  

            // skip initial underscores
            while ((i < length) && ('_' == input.charAt(i)))
                i += 1;

            while (i < length)
                // find underscores, remove and capitalize next letter
                while ((i < length) && ('_' != input.charAt(i)) && !Character.isUpperCase(input.charAt(i)))
                    i += 1;

                if(i < length)
                    if('_' == input.charAt(i))
                        // underscore to uppercase

                        // skip underscores
                        while ((i < length) && ('_' == input.charAt(i)))
                            // skip underscores
                            i += 1;

                        // capitalize
                        if (i < length)
                            i += 1;
                    else // uppercase to unscore + lowercase
                        i += 1;
            return sb.toString();
like image 57
pczeus Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 14:11


Just add this annotation above POJO's which u will be sending or receiving in ur request response.


P.S. the strategy can be different depending upon the requirement.

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kamal sehrawat Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 13:11

kamal sehrawat

A shorter answer is to use the Spring's objectMapper. The benefit is that it shares the same configuration in application.properties. So you can set spring.jackson.property-naming-strategy=SNAKE_CASE or whatever there, and it's consistent across the entire application including RestTemplate. Code as follows.

public class HTTPConfig {
    public final ObjectMapper objectMapper;  // provided by spring

    public RestTemplate restTemplate() {
        return new RestTemplateBuilder()
            .messageConverters(new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter(objectMapper))
like image 40
Ming Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 14:11


I suggest you use this method. You can also add it as a spring bean.

private RestTemplate getRestTemplate() {

    final RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
    final List<HttpMessageConverter<?>> messageConverters = new ArrayList<>();
    final MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter jsonMessageConverter = new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter();
    jsonMessageConverter.setObjectMapper(new ObjectMapper().setPropertyNamingStrategy(PropertyNamingStrategy.LOWER_CAMEL_CASE));

    return restTemplate;
like image 30
Mamadi Kaba Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 14:11

Mamadi Kaba