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How to set name of file downloaded from browser?

I'm writing a web application that, among other things, allows users to upload files to my server. In order to prevent name clashes and to organize the files, I rename them once they are put on my server. By keeping track of the original file name I can communicate with the file's owner without them ever knowing I changed the file name on the back end. That is, until they go do download the file. In that case they're prompted to download a file with a unfamiliar name.

My question is, is there any way to specify the name of a file to be downloaded using just HTML? So a user uploads a file named 'abc.txt' and I rename it to 'xyz.txt', but when they download it I want the browser to save the file as 'abc.txt' by default. If this isn't possible with just HTML, is there any way to do it?

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Sparafusile Avatar asked Jun 23 '10 13:06


People also ask

How do I change a downloaded file name?

There are many ways to rename a file in Windows. The easiest way is by right-clicking on the file and selecting Rename. You can then type a new name for your file and press enter to finish renaming it. A quicker way to rename a file is by first selecting it by left clicking on it, then pressing the F2 key.

How do I change the download name in Google Chrome?

Note: If your address bar is at the bottom, swipe up on the address bar. Tap Downloads. Step 5: From the given option tap Rename. Step 6: Enter your new file name.

Why does a file name change when downloaded?

Each time a file is added to the Downloads folder, this action will run, and it will automatically rename files with names containing "%20" to use spaces instead.

1 Answers

When they click a button to download the file, you can add the HTML5 attribute download where you can set the default filename.

That's what I did, when I created a xlsx file and the browser want to save it as zip file.

<a href="path/to/file" download="renamed.txt">Download</a> <a href="downloads/export.xlsx" download="Data-Export.xlsx">Download Export</a> 
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Mephiztopheles Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09
