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How to set minimum height for a div?



People also ask

What is the minimum height in CSS?

Definition and Usage. The min-height property defines the minimum height of an element. If the content is smaller than the minimum height, the minimum height will be applied. If the content is larger than the minimum height, the min-height property has no effect.

How do you set the minimum and maximum height in CSS?

The min-height property in CSS is used to set the minimum height of a specified element. The min-height property always overrides both height and max-height . Authors may use any of the length values as long as they are a positive value.

What is min height 100vh in CSS?

– What is Min Height 100vh in CSS? Min height 100vh means the element should occupy the web browser viewport height. This is always 100 percent of the web browser's viewport height. If there is more content, the element will stretch more than the viewport's height, which is a code example that will clear things up.

CSS allows a "min-height" property. This can be used to set the minimum height of the div you're talking about.

#div-id { min-height: 100px; }

Incase you want to set a minimum/maximum height and minimum/maximum width to a div, CSS allows the specific feature.

To set the minimum width of the div or any other class/id/element, use;

min-width: 150px;

To set the minimum height of the div or any other class/id/element, use;

min-height: 300px;

Similarly for setting maximum width and height of a div or any other class/id/element, use;

max-width: 600px;
max-height: 600px;


For your div to expand freely in height and width after data is available for users; you will have to set the width/height to auto immediately after you have set the min-width or min-height.

min-width: 300px;
width: auto;

min-height: 100px;
height: auto;


css has a min-height attribute

Here is d way through which you can set min height of a div

<div id="bb1" style="min-height:200px;>

or apply


if you have used class


<div class="bb1"> 

in div then use


.comments { min-height:650px;height:auto; }

<div class="comments">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam cursus. Morbi ut mi.</div>

Do this:

.minHeight {
  min-height: 100px;
  height: auto;
  border: 1px solid red;
  /* IMPORTANT -- always set 'height: auto;' immediately after the min-height attribute */
<div class="minHeight">
  this div has a min-height attribute