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Issue with background color and Google Chrome

People also ask

Why are the colors on Chrome messed up?

Scroll down the page until the point "Force Color Profile". In my case, I had to change the value from "Default" to "sRGB". The correct value may vary, so just test out which one looks best on your monitor. Restart the Chrome Browser to apply the change.

Why is my background color not working?

Check the network tab to make sure Stylesheets/main. css is getting loaded. Check the style inspector to make sure background-color is not being overridden. You might want to include your stylesheet after bootstrap.

Never heard of it. Try:

html, body {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  background-color: #000;
  color: #fff;
  font-family: ...;

Ok guys, I found a solution, . It's not great but does the trick with no side effects.


<span id="chromeFix"></span> 

(put this below the body tags)

The CSS:

#chromeFix { display: block; position: absolute; width: 1px; height: 100%; top: 0px; left: 0px; }

What this does to solve the issue:

It forces Chrome to think the page's content is 100% when it's not - this stops the body 'appearing' the size of the content and resolves the missing background bug. This is basically doing what height: 100% does when applied to the body or html but you don't get the side effect of having your backgrounds cut off when scrolling (past 100% page height) like you do with a 100% height on those elements.

I can sleep now =]

I had the same issue on a couple of sites and fixed it by moving the background styling from body to html (which I guess is a variation of the body {} to html, body{} technique already mentioned but shows that you can make do with the style on html only), e.g.

body {



html {
body {

This worked in IE6-8, Chrome 4-5, Safari 4, Opera 10 and Firefox 3.x with no obvious nasty side-effects.

I was able to fix this with:

html { height: 100%; }

HTML and body height 100% doesn't work in older IE versions.

You have to move the backgroundproperties from the body element to the html element.
That will fix it crossbrowser.

Simple, correct, solution - define the background image and colour in html, not body. Unless you've defined a specific height (not a percentage) in the body, its height will be assumed to be as tall as required to hold all content. so your background styling should go into html, which is the entire html document, not just the body. Simples.