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How to set k-Means clustering labels from highest to lowest with Python?

I have a dataset of 38 apartments and their electricity consumption in the morning, afternoon and evening. I am trying to clusterize this dataset using the k-Means implementation from scikit-learn, and am getting some interesting results.

First clustering results: Img

This is all very well, and with 4 clusters I obviously get 4 labels associated to each apartment - 0, 1, 2 and 3. Using the random_state parameter of KMeans method, I can fix the seed in which the centroids are randomly initialized, so consistently I get the same labels attributed to the same apartments.

However, as this specific case is in regards of energy consumption, a measurable classification between the highest and the lowest consumers can be performed. I would like, thus, to assign the label 0 to the apartments with lowest consumption level, label 1 to apartments that consume a bit more and so on.

As of now, my labels are [2 1 3 0], or ["black", "green", "blue", "red"]; I would like them to be [0 1 2 3] or ["red", "green", "black", "blue"]. How should I proceed to do so, while still keeping the centroid initialization random (with fixed seed)?

Thank you very much for the help!

like image 783
Sergio Avatar asked Jul 03 '17 14:07


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1 Answers

Transforming the labels through a lookup table is a straightforward way to achieve what you want.

To begin with I generate some mock data:

import numpy as np


n = 38
X_morning = np.random.uniform(low=.02, high=.18, size=38)
X_afternoon = np.random.uniform(low=.05, high=.20, size=38)
X_night = np.random.uniform(low=.025, high=.175, size=38)
X = np.vstack([X_morning, X_afternoon, X_night]).T

Then I perform clustering on data:

from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
k = 4
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=k, random_state=0).fit(X)

And finally I use NumPy's argsort to create a lookup table like this:

idx = np.argsort(kmeans.cluster_centers_.sum(axis=1))
lut = np.zeros_like(idx)
lut[idx] = np.arange(k)

Sample run:

In [70]: kmeans.cluster_centers_.sum(axis=1)
Out[70]: array([ 0.3214523 ,  0.40877735,  0.26911353,  0.25234873])

In [71]: idx
Out[71]: array([3, 2, 0, 1], dtype=int64)

In [72]: lut
Out[72]: array([2, 3, 1, 0], dtype=int64)

In [73]: kmeans.labels_
Out[73]: array([1, 3, 1, ..., 0, 1, 0])

In [74]: lut[kmeans.labels_]
Out[74]: array([3, 0, 3, ..., 2, 3, 2], dtype=int64)

idx shows the cluster center labels ordered from lowest to highest consumption level. The appartments for which lut[kmeans.labels_] is 0 / 3 belong to the cluster with the lowest / highest consumption levels.

like image 82
Tonechas Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 06:10
