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Simple explanation of Google App Engine NDB Datastore

I'm creating a Google App Engine application (python) and I'm learning about the general framework. I've been looking at the tutorial and documentation for the NDB datastore, and I'm having some difficulty wrapping my head around the concepts. I have a large background with SQL databases and I've never worked with any other type of data storage system, so I'm thinking that's where I'm running into trouble.

My current understanding is this: The NDB datastore is a collection of entities (analogous to DB records) that have properties (analogous to DB fields/columns). Entities are created using a Model (analogous to a DB schema). Every entity has a key that is generated for it when it is stored. This is where I run into trouble because these keys do not seem to have an analogy to anything in SQL DB concepts. They seem similar to primary keys for tables, but those are more tightly bound to records, and in fact are fields themselves. These NDB keys are not properties of entities, but are considered separate objects from entities. If an entity is stored in the datastore, you can retrieve that entity using its key.

One of my big questions is where do you get the keys for this? Some of the documentation I saw showed examples in which keys were simply created. I don't understand this. It seemed that when entities are stored, the put() method returns a key that can be used later. So how can you just create keys and define ids if the original keys are generated by the datastore?

Another thing that I seem to be struggling with is the concept of ancestry with keys. You can define parent keys of whatever kind you want. Is there a predefined schema for this? For example, if I had a model subclass called 'Person', and I created a key of kind 'Person', can I use that key as a parent of any other type? Like if I wanted a 'Shoe' key to be a child of a 'Person' key, could I also then declare a 'Car' key to be a child of that same 'Person' key? Or will I be unable to after adding the 'Shoe' key?

I'd really just like a simple explanation of the NDB datastore and its API for someone coming from a primarily SQL background.

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jchitel Avatar asked Feb 09 '14 05:02


People also ask

What is NDB Datastore?

The Google Datastore NDB Client Library allows App Engine Python apps to connect to Datastore. The NDB client library builds on the older DB Datastore library adding the following data store features: The StructuredProperty class, which allows entities to have nested structure.

What is Datastore in Google App Engine?

Datastore is a NoSQL document database built for automatic scaling, high performance, and ease of application development. Datastore features include: Atomic transactions. Datastore can execute a set of operations where either all succeed, or none occur.

Why does Google Cloud have a Datastore?

Google Cloud Datastore offers high-end capabilities that include SQL-like queries, ACID transactions, indexes, and others, to help enhance the end outcomes. It is not just feasible concerning your scaling aspects but also takes care of application development and high performance.

1 Answers

I think you've overcomplicating things in your mind. When you create an entity, you can either give it a named key that you've chosen yourself, or leave that out and let the datastore choose a numeric ID. Either way, when you call put, the datastore will return the key, which is stored in the form [<entity_kind>, <id_or_name>] (actually this also includes the application ID and any namespace, but I'll leave that out for clarity).

You can make entities members of an entity group by giving them an ancestor. That ancestor doesn't actually have to refer to an existing entity, although it usually does. All that happens with an ancestor is that the entity's key includes the key of the ancestor: so it now looks like [<parent_entity_kind>, <parent_id_or_name>, <entity_kind>, <id_or_name>]. You can now only get the entity by including its parent key. So, in your example, the Shoe entity could be a child of the Person, whether or not that Person has previously been created: it's the child that knows about the ancestor, not the other way round.

(Note that that ancestry path can be extended arbitrarily: the child entity can itself be an ancestor, and so on. In this case, the group is determined by the entity at the top of the tree.)

Saving entities as part of a group has advantages in terms of consistency, in that a query inside an entity group is always guaranteed to be fully consistent, whereas outside the query is only eventually consistent. However, there are also disadvantages, in that the write rate of an entity group is limited to 1 per second for the whole group.

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Daniel Roseman Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 16:09

Daniel Roseman