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How to set default value for ASP.NET MVC DropDownList from model



i am new in mvc. so i populate dropdown this way

public ActionResult New()
    var countryQuery = (from c in db.Customers
                        orderby c.Country ascending
                        select c.Country).Distinct();
    List<SelectListItem> countryList = new List<SelectListItem>();
    string defaultCountry = "USA";
    foreach(var item in countryQuery)
        countryList.Add(new SelectListItem() {
                        Text = item, 
                        Value = item, 
                        Selected=(item == defaultCountry ? true : false) });
    ViewBag.Country = countryList;
    ViewBag.Country = "UK";
    return View();       

@Html.DropDownList("Country", ViewBag.Countries as List<SelectListItem>)

i like to know how can i populate dropdown from model and also set default value. any sample code will be great help. thanks

like image 949
Thomas Avatar asked Apr 10 '14 14:04


2 Answers

Well this is not a great way to do this.

Create a ViewModel that will hold everything you want to be rendered at the view.

public class MyViewModel{

  public List<SelectListItem> CountryList {get; set}
  public string Country {get; set}

  public MyViewModel(){
      CountryList = new List<SelectListItem>();
      Country = "USA"; //default values go here

Fill it with the data you need.

public ActionResult New()
    var countryQuery = (from c in db.Customers
                        orderby c.Country ascending
                        select c.Country).Distinct();
    MyViewModel myViewModel = new MyViewModel ();

    foreach(var item in countryQuery)
        myViewModel.CountryList.Add(new SelectListItem() {
                        Text = item, 
                        Value = item
    myViewModel.Country = "UK";

    //Pass it to the view using the `ActionResult`
    return ActionResult( myViewModel);

At the view, declare that this view is expecting a Model with type MyViewModel using the following line at the top of the file

@model namespace.MyViewModel 

And at anytime you may use the Model as you please

@Html.DropDownList("Country", Model.CountryList, Model.Country)
like image 56
Menelaos Vergis Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 14:10

Menelaos Vergis

You can't set the default value using Html.DropDownList, if you want to have a default value, the property itself should have a default value.

private string country;
public string Country
    get { return country ?? "UK"; }
    set { country = value; }

Then, when the drop down list renders, as long as "UK" is actually a value for one of the options, it will be automatically set to that.

like image 35
Chris Pratt Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 13:10

Chris Pratt