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How to set cursor to input box in Javascript?

document.getElementById(frmObj.id).value=""; document.getElementById(frmObj.id).autofocus; document.getElementById("errorMsg").innerHTML = "Only numeric value is allowed"; 

In the above code the value of the form object is perfectly setting to "" but there is no cursor in the text box. I want a cursor to be there. focus() only focuses that input box but does not actually set the cursor.

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yukti kamra Avatar asked Jun 05 '12 09:06

yukti kamra

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1 Answers

In JavaScript first focus on the control and then select the control to display the cursor on texbox...

document.getElementById(frmObj.id).focus(); document.getElementById(frmObj.id).select(); 

or by using jQuery

like image 83
Talha Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 02:11
