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how to set an apple watch app's display name



I can't seem to find where to set the product name of my apple watch app. I do see the option Product Name, but updating it doesn't do anything. Also do not see anything in the documentation

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jfisk Avatar asked Feb 12 '15 08:02


People also ask

How do I change my app Display name?

Go to the app > res > values > strings. xml file as shown in the below image. In this file we have a string name as app_name it is the string resource that holds the current app name which is passed in the Manifest. xml file's application tag inside the label attribute.

Why does my Apple Watch display the wrong name?

On your iPhone, in the Watch app: go to My Watch > General > About > Name - check and, if required, edit the name of your watch. On your watch or iPhone: ask Siri "what is my name?" After making any corrections as required, on your iPhone, in the Watch app: - Go to: My Watch > General > Reset > tap on Reset Sync Data.

How do I name my Apple app?

Build Settings> Change "Product Name" TARGETS> Select app> Change "Display Name"

2 Answers

To get your app name to display properly in the Apple Watch app on iPhone, note that Apple screwed up and used the wrong key.

You must set CFBundleName to the same string as your CFBundleDisplayName in your iPhone target's Info.plist (not any other target).

That key can also be edited via the "Custom iOS Target Properties" editor. This is especially important if your app name has a space in it but your target name doesn't.

I wasted a whole Saturday tracking this bug down. So hopefully this will help someone!

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Scenario Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 14:10


First of all App's display name is different than Product Name.

How to change App's display name:
Find the Info.plist file that is located in your WatchKit App folder and change the key "Bundle display name" (CFBundleDisplayName).

How to change Product Name:
I am not sure why xCode does't allow to set the Product Name when creating a new WatchKit app. If you search for "PRODUCT_NAME", you will find that the WatchKit app is using the TARGET_NAME as product name "PRODUCT_NAME = $(TARGET_NAME)" for the WatchKit app. So you can just rename the target name.

Hope this helps.

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Vojce kushevski Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 14:10

Vojce kushevski