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How to set a file upload programmatically using Paperclip

I have a rake task to seed an application with random data using the faker gem. However, we also have images (like logos) that we want uploaded in this rake task.

We already have Paperclip set up, but don't have a way to upload them programmatically in a rake task. Any ideas?

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Jaryl Avatar asked Sep 09 '09 03:09


3 Answers

What do you mean by programmatically? You can set up a method that will take a file path along the lines of

my_model_instance = MyModel.new
file = File.open(file_path)
my_model_instance.attachment = file

#attachment comes from our Paperclip declaration in our model. In this case, our model looks like

class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_attached_file :attachment

We've done things similar to this when bootstrapping a project.

like image 187
theIV Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 16:11


I do something like this in a rake task.

photo_path = './test/fixtures/files/*.jpg'
Dir.glob(photo_path).entries.each do |e|
  model = Model.find(<query here>)        
  model.attachment = File.open(e)

I hope this helps!

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jonnii Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 17:11


I didn't actually have to write a method for this. Much simpler.

In Model ->

Class Model_Name < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_attached_file :my_attachment,

In seed.db ->

my_instance = Model_name.new
my_instance.my_attachment = File.open('path/to/file/relative/to/app')

Perhaps the previous answers meant to use the name of the attachment as defined in the model (rather than writing a method Model_name.attachment). Hope this is clear.

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winfred Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 15:11
