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What is the difference between Ruby and Ruby on Rails?

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Which is best Ruby or Ruby on Rails?

Ruby on Rails is a web app development framework based on MVC system and it is known as a framework for data base driven web app. It was programmed in Ruby programming language. It is considered as more secure than Ruby language and its syntax is similar to Phoenix in Elixir, Python.

Is Rails different than Ruby on Rails?

Rails is not a programming language. Ruby on Rails is a web framework. Web application frameworks like Rails still use scripts written by developers, but they don't use their own language. Rails uses the Ruby programming language.

Is Ruby on Rails better?

Ruby on Rails is one of our preferred choices for a variety of projects because it gives us the option of the fast development of custom software solutions. RoR is very well established as a tool for creating technically complex web projects.

What makes Ruby on Rails different?

Ruby is a programming language whereas Rails is a gem, or a Ruby library. Specifically, Rails is a web framework that helps make web applications by providing classes for saving to the database, handling URLs and displaying HTML (along with a webserver, maintenance tasks, a debugging console and much more).

Ruby is a programming language. Ruby on Rails ("RoR") is a web-application framework that is implemented in Ruby.

So they not only "work together" but RoR depends on Ruby.

Ruby is a general purpose language. Ruby on Rails is a Ruby framework for implementing web applications.

Ruby is an interpreted scripting language for quick and easy object-oriented programming.

Ruby is a programming Language

Ruby on Rails is web-development framework.

You can read more in "Small Discussion about Ruby on Rails".

Just like PHP has Codeigniter , CakePHP and Laravel, similarly, Ruby has Ruby on Rails ("RoR").