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How to serialize 64 bit enum in c#

Enum xyz : UInt64
  a = 1,
  b = 17179869184,

for serializing I am using:

class ABC
  public xyz name;

name = xyz.b;

I am getting 0 on deserializing, so how can I get 64 bit number?

like image 951
Abbas Tambawala Avatar asked Mar 25 '20 14:03

Abbas Tambawala

1 Answers

There's two different things we need to look at here; the first is: as long as you are assigning a non-zero value, for most values it should already work; the fact that you're seeing zero tells me that you're probably either not assigning a value in the first place (the default value for an enum is zero, even if you don't define anything with zero), or you are using a rewindable stream but have not rewound; this works on 2.4.4:

var obj = new ABC { name = xyz.a };
var ms = new MemoryStream();
Serializer.Serialize(ms, obj);
ms.Position = 0; // rewind
var clone = Serializer.Deserialize<ABC>(ms);
Console.WriteLine(clone.name); // a

However, there is a problem with larger numbers, as protobuf defines enums to be 32-bit. The v3 codebase works around this, so on the v3 previews, the same code will work fine with b too, but on v2 your value of b is currently too large and it causes an arithmetic overflow. In this scenario, the way I would approach this is with a shadow property:

public xyz name;

private ulong NameSerialized
    get => (ulong)name;
    set => name = (xyz)value;

This will work on either v2 or v3.

like image 165
Marc Gravell Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 06:11

Marc Gravell