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How to Send RubyMine Notifications to Growl?

I'm trying to figure out how to get RubyMine's console to send messages to growl. Specifically, since I run Rspec & Spork through RubyMine, I'd like to get Growl notifications of how many tests passed & failed.

I had the command-line version of this functionality working via the Autotest and RedGreen gems, but neither gem seems to retain its usefulness inside RubyMine.

Has anyone successfully pushed Growl notifications from RubyMine?

Can anyone think of any of the tools or mechanisms that could enable notification?

like image 531
D. Simpson Avatar asked Apr 13 '11 19:04

D. Simpson

1 Answers

May be This code will help you

    # -*- ruby -*-     module Autotest::RedGreen    Autotest.send(:alias_method, :real_ruby, :ruby)    Autotest.send(:define_method, :ruby) do |*args|    real_ruby + %[ -rrubygems -e "require 'redgreen'" ]  end     # Clean the output so other modules can work correctly    Autotest.add_hook :ran_command do |at|    at.results.each do |r|    r.gsub!("\033[31m", "")    r.gsub!("\033[32m", "")    r.gsub!("\033[33m", "")    r.gsub!("\033[0m", "")   end  end end  module Autotest::Growl AUTOTEST_IMAGE_ROOT = "~/.autotest_images"  def self.growl(title, msg, img, pri=0, sticky="")  system "growlnotify -n autotest --image #{img} -p #{pri} -m '#{msg.inspect} #{title}'      #{sticky}" end    Autotest.add_hook :red do |at|   growl("FAIL", "#{get_results(at)}", "#{AUTOTEST_IMAGE_ROOT}/fail.png", 2)  end    Autotest.add_hook :green do |at|   growl("Pass", "#{get_results(at)}", "#{AUTOTEST_IMAGE_ROOT}/pass.png")  end   private  def self.get_results(at)  results = [at.results].flatten.join("\n")    if results.include? 'tests'   output = results.slice(/(\d+)\s+tests?,\s*(\d+)\s+assertions?,\s*(\d+)\s+failures?   (,\s*(\d+)\s+errors)?/)  else   output = results.slice(/(\d+)\s+examples?,\s*(\d+)\s+failures?(,\s*(\d+)\s+not implemented)?/)    end   output  end end   # Esclusioni  Autotest.add_hook :initialize do |at|   %w{.hg .git .svn stories tmtags Rakefile Capfile README spec/spec.opts spec/rcov.opts vendor/gems autotest svn-commit .DS_Store }.each do |exception|   at.add_exception(exception)  end      at.add_mapping(/spec\/defaults.rb/) do |f, _|     at.files_matching %r%^spec/(controllers|helpers|lib|models|views)/.*\.rb$%   end  end 
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Ashraf.Shk786 Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 11:10
