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How to send control+c from a bash script?

I'm starting a number of screens in a bash script, then running django's runserver command in each of them. I'd like to be able to programmatically stop them all as well, which requires me to send Control+c to runserver.

How can I send these keystrokes from my bash script?

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ghickman Avatar asked Apr 26 '11 11:04


People also ask

How do you Ctrl-C in bash?

When you hit Ctrl + c , the line discipline of your terminal sends SIGINT to processes in the foreground process group. Bash, when job control is disabled, runs everything in the same process group as the bash process itself. Job control is disabled by default when Bash interprets a script.

How do you call Ctrl-C in shell script?

To trap Ctrl-C in a shell script, we will need to use the trap shell builtin command. When a user sends a Ctrl-C interrupt signal, the signal SIGINT (Signal number 2) is sent.

How do I use Ctrl-C in Linux?

While in a command line such as MS-DOS, Linux, and Unix, Ctrl + C is used to send a SIGINT signal, which cancels or terminates the currently-running program. For example, if a script or program is frozen or stuck in an infinite loop, pressing Ctrl + C cancels that command and returns you to the command line.

2 Answers

Ctrl+C sends a SIGINT signal.

kill -INT <pid> sends a SIGINT signal too:

# Terminates the program (like Ctrl+C) kill -INT 888 # Force kill kill -9 888 

Assuming 888 is your process ID.

Note that kill 888 sends a SIGTERM signal, which is slightly different, but will also ask for the program to stop. So if you know what you are doing (no handler bound to SIGINT in the program), a simple kill is enough.

To get the PID of the last command launched in your script, use $! :

# Launch script in background ./my_script.sh & # Get its PID PID=$! # Wait for 2 seconds sleep 2 # Kill it kill $PID 
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Matthieu Napoli Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 17:10

Matthieu Napoli

CTRL-C generally sends a SIGINT signal to the process so you can simply do:

kill -INT <processID> 

from the command line (or a script), to affect the specific processID.

I say "generally" because, as with most of UNIX, this is near infinitely configurable. If you execute stty -a, you can see which key sequence is tied to the intr signal. This will probably be CTRL-C but that key sequence may be mapped to something else entirely.

The following script shows this in action (albeit with TERM rather than INT since sleep doesn't react to INT in my environment):

#!/usr/bin/env bash  sleep 3600 & pid=$! sleep 5  echo === echo PID is $pid, before kill: ps -ef | grep -E "PPID|$pid" | sed 's/^/   /' echo ===  ( kill -TERM $pid ) 2>&1 sleep 5  echo === echo PID is $pid, after kill: ps -ef | grep -E "PPID|$pid" | sed 's/^/   /' echo === 

It basically starts an hour-log sleep process and grabs its process ID. It then outputs the relevant process details before killing the process.

After a small wait, it then checks the process table to see if the process has gone. As you can see from the output of the script, it is indeed gone:

=== PID is 28380, before kill:    UID   PID     PPID    TTY     STIME      COMMAND    pax   28380   24652   tty42   09:26:49   /bin/sleep === ./qq.sh: line 12: 28380 Terminated              sleep 3600 === PID is 28380, after kill:    UID   PID     PPID    TTY     STIME      COMMAND === 
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paxdiablo Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 18:10
