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How to select true/false based on column value?



I have a table with the following columns: EntityId, EntityName, EntityProfile, .................

I want to select the Id and Name and true/false column based on the value of entity profile, for example a returned result set like below, would mean that entities 1&2 have profiles while 3 not.

1 Name1 True 2 Name2 True 3 Name3 False etc..... 

I know I can do it using a function that return true/false based on the profile value like this: SELECT EntityId, EntityName, dbo.EntityHasProfile(EntityId) AS HasProfile FROM Entities

but I'm returning a large no. of records and with this function call for each record, the query is very slow, and when I remove the function call the query execution time drops significantly.

So is there another way of doing this? Thanks

like image 605
Yasmine Avatar asked Mar 07 '10 16:03


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1 Answers

Use a CASE. I would post the specific code, but need more information than is supplied in the post - such as the data type of EntityProfile and what is usually stored in it. Something like:

CASE WHEN EntityProfile IS NULL THEN 'False' ELSE 'True' END 

Edit - the entire SELECT statement, as per the info in the comments:

SELECT EntityID, EntityName,         CASE WHEN EntityProfile IS NULL THEN 'False' ELSE 'True' END AS HasProfile FROM Entity 

No LEFT JOIN necessary in this case...

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froadie Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09
