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How to select multiple rows in ng2-smart-table component with checkbox?

I am using ng2-smart-table from https://akveo.github.io/ng2-smart-table/#/documentation

Live Demo: http://akveo.com/ngx-admin/pages/tables/smart-table

Please help me with below questions:

  1. I want to select multiple rows and call one function so where I need to write this code in ng2-smart-table?

  2. Can I select multiple rows and call one function on selected rows ?

I have written below code in .ts and .html files:


 actions: {
      add: false,
      edit: true,
      delete: false,
      custom: [{ name: 'ourCustomAction'}],
      position: 'left',
      columnTitle: 'Actions'


    mode: 'external',


    <ng2-smart-table [settings]="settings" allowFiltering='true' allowPaging='true' [source]="windchillData"
     (deleteConfirm)="onDeleteConfirm($event)" (custom)="onCustomAction($event)" (edit)="onEdit($event)">
like image 678
Swapnil G Thaware Avatar asked Apr 02 '19 19:04

Swapnil G Thaware

1 Answers

1- I want to select multiple rows and call one function so where I need to write this code in ng2-smart-table?


For selecting multiple rows in ng2-smart-table, you need to add configuration in your settings Object.


settings = {
    // This `selectMode` is the configuration for selecting multiple rows in the table using checkbox
    selectMode: 'multi',
    delete: {
      confirmDelete: true,

      deleteButtonContent: 'Delete data',
      saveButtonContent: 'save',
      cancelButtonContent: 'cancel'
    add: {
      confirmCreate: true,
    edit: {
      confirmSave: true,
    columns: {
      // columns configuration

2- Can I select multiple rows and call one function on selected rows ?

ng2-smart-table have an event to get userSelectedRows, we can use that event to get all the selected rows and then call a function to do something with all selected rows.


  • Step1: Add event handler in the template
<ng2-smart-table [settings]="settings" allowFiltering='true' allowPaging='true' [source]="windchillData" (deleteConfirm)="onDeleteConfirm($event)" (custom)="onCustomAction($event)" (edit)="onEdit($event)" (userRowSelect)="onUserRowSelect($event)"></ng2-smart-table> 
  • Step2: Create event handler in component.ts to get the selected rows
onUserRowSelect(event) {
    this.selectedRows = event.selected;
  • Step3: Create button and call a function to do something with selected rows

Button in html

<button (click)="onClick()"> Get Selected </button>

Click handler in component.ts

onClick() {
    // It will console all the selected rows

Here you can see this in working: https://stackblitz.com/edit/example-ng2-smart-table-18qsws

like image 161
Johar Zaman Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 07:09

Johar Zaman