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How to see errors in MySQL Workbench 6.1?

I recently upgraded my development machine to use MySQL Workbench 6.1. I am trying to enter some data into a table using the workbench and "Select rows..." When I click the "Apply" button to insert the data, the workbench reports that an error occurred (see the image below), but it doesn't tell me what the error is. Workbench 5.* used to show the errors. I cannot find any way to get Workbench 6.1 to show me the errors. How can I see the error messages?

Screen shot of MySQL Workbench stating an error occurred but not showing the error message

like image 937
Barzee Avatar asked Jun 06 '14 17:06


People also ask

How do I view MySQL Workbench logs?

MySQL Workbench start up and SQL actions are logged and stored in the log/ directory. This directory is in the user's MySQL Workbench directory. To find these text files, select Show Log Files from the Help menu.

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To display the dashboard, open a query tab and then click Dashboard from the Performance area of the Navigator sidebar with the Management tab selected. The following figure shows the layout of the information within the Administration - Dashboard tab.

2 Answers

If you are on linux machine this solution will work. It is already there you have to move your mouse and expand it: At first it will look like this: initial state

you have to hover the mouse until the cursor icon change to resize icon.upward enter image description here

then click it and pull enter image description here

and then you can hover on cross sign scroll right to see the error message completely. enter image description here

like image 125
princebillyGK Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 18:09


I eventually worked out that the panel could be opened by hovering my mouse at just the top of the status bar (at the bottom of the UI).

The hit area is tiny so you really have to 'feel' around for the drag point.

like image 40
Brett Sutton Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 18:09

Brett Sutton