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Line numbering in result grid in MySQL Workbench

Is there any way to add some line numbers in the result grid in MySQL Workbench?

E.g. (red numbers):

enter image description here

I don't want to have to change the SQL query, which I know I can do using tricks like

SELECT @n := @n + 1 `Number of Submissions`,  t.*
FROM (SELECT @n:=0) initvars, 
    ( SELECT COUNT(*) AS count 
          FROM moocdb.submissions 
          GROUP BY user_id 
          ORDER BY count DESC
    ) t

I also don't want to have to export the results.

like image 776
Franck Dernoncourt Avatar asked Jul 23 '14 23:07

Franck Dernoncourt

People also ask

How do I display the result grid in MySQL Workbench?

Here is a simple technique to get back the results grid in MySql WorkBench. Place the text cursor on a query and use the "EXPLAIN command" for the statement under the cursor. That will open the Visual Explain window. In that window you can find Results Grid.

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The ROW_NUMBER() function in MySQL is used to returns the sequential number for each row within its partition. It is a kind of window function. The row number starts from 1 to the number of rows present in the partition.

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The Output is located at the bottom of MySQL Workbench. Its select box includes the Action Output , History Output , and Text Output options.

How do I extend the result grid in MySQL Workbench?

For the newer versions you should go to Edit -> Preferences -> Fonts and then find Resulset Grid and choose the size you want.

1 Answers

Not sure if that is a good question for SO, but anyway: no this is not possible. Nobody asked for that so far, so, file a feature request at http://bugs.mysql.com to have that in.

like image 73
Mike Lischke Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 00:09

Mike Lischke