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How to search the web for pages containing certain source code? [closed]

I wanted to find the origin page of a CSS file that somebody once included in a project I'm working on. Unfortunately, the guy that included it didn't write where from it came and has only a vague memory that 'somebody' sent the source file to him.

I wanted to search the web for pages with this css rule #loginNemId .inner { ... }

but nothing showed up on a google search for #loginNemId. Same reult when searching for id="loginNemId" as part of the page's source code. For completeness sake, I also searched for an included background image "bgLoginNemId.png", but that was also unsuccessful.

I really would like to know:

  • what is the best way to search for text in HTML files source code?
  • is there a way to search for content in CSS files or blocks within the HTML?
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Jesper Rønn-Jensen Avatar asked Oct 01 '09 08:10

Jesper Rønn-Jensen

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1 Answers

To sum up the other answers, it seems there is currently no way to search for text in HTML source code.

There is one exception ot this rule: if the code you search for is open-source and indexed by Google Code Search.

like image 114
Jesper Rønn-Jensen Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 20:10

Jesper Rønn-Jensen