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Iterate through positions of a substring in a string

I'm looking for the simplest way how to iterate over the positions of a substring in a string. Currently I'm using a generator for that, but I have a feeling that it's not quite Pythonian:

def iteratePos(haystack, needle) :
    pos = haystack.find(needle)
    while pos >= 0 :
        yield pos
        pos = haystack.find(needle, pos+1)

s = "ABC 11 ABC 111 ABC 1"
for i in iteratePos(s, "ABC") :
    print "aye bee see at", i
    # finds 0, 7, 15

for i in iteratePos(s, "1") :
    print "one at", i
    # finds 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 19

So, is it possible to do this as a reasonable one-liner? Or should I stick to the solution I have?

(Note: Should there be a simple solution for the case when needle is just one character, I'm interested in that as well.)

like image 215
yo' Avatar asked Jan 31 '15 00:01


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2 Answers

s = "ABC 11 ABC 111 ABC 1"

print([ind for ind,_ in enumerate(s[:-2]) if s[ind:ind+3] == "ABC"])
[0, 7, 15]

In a function:

def iteratePos(haystack, needle) :
    ln = len(needle)
    return [ind for ind,_ in enumerate(s[:-ln-1]) if haystack[ind:ind+ln] == needle]

Or using yield from in Python 3:

def iteratePos(haystack, needle) :
    ln = len(needle)
    yield from (ind for ind, _ in enumerate(haystack[:-ln-1]) if haystack[ind:ind+ln] == needle)
like image 90
Padraic Cunningham Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 13:10

Padraic Cunningham

I think your solution is fine ... but I guess you could do

[i for i in range(len(s)) if s[i:].startswith(needle)]

if you really dont like your solution

like image 23
Joran Beasley Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 12:10

Joran Beasley