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How to search for file names in Visual Studio?

People also ask

How do I search for a file in Visual Studio Solution Explorer?

You can quickly locate the currently opened file in it using Ctrl+[, S or using the following button: You can also activate the option "Track Active Item in Solution Explorer" to automatically select the current document in the solution explorer: This post is part of the series 'Visual Studio Tips and Tricks'.

How do I search and open files in Visual Studio code?

Find files by name in VSCode Simply press Ctrl + P keyboard combination to bring up the Quick Open input box and start typing. On macOS, you can press the Command ⌘ key instead of Ctrl. The search is case insensitive and you can even type in parts of the filename to match it.

Just for anyone else landing on this page from Google or elsewhere, this answer is probably the best answer out of all of them.

To summarize, simply hit:

CTRL + ,

And then start typing the file name.

In VS2013 you can click in the solution explorer for this functionality.

The shortcut is:

ctrl + ;

To search only the names of files, and not the contents (especially in C#), uncheck these options:

The best option now is to install Microsoft Visual Studio add on called Productivity Power Tools (VS 2010 version, VS 2013 version).

With this comes "Solution Navigator" (alternative to Solution Explorer, with a lot of benefits).

search solution navigator

BTW, this feature is built-in into Visual Studio 2012.

With Visual Studio 2017, It now comes with a much better version, named “Go To All” and is bound to the keyboard shortcut CTRL + T as well as CTRL +, and includes inline filtering and “fuzzy search”


CTRL + ,

In the search dropdown on the standard toolbar, you can use the "open file" macro, >of, to find files. Click in said dropdown (or hit Ctrl-D) then start typing (minus the quotes) ">of CoreEdit.cs", and you'll get a dynamic list that narrows as you type.