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How to search at vim 'scriptnames' command



The vim 'scriptnames' command output all scripts loaded. The problem is that I can't find any practical way to filter/search/find on it. I want to look for some script without having to do this by "eye brute force".

like image 267
geckos Avatar asked Dec 10 '16 13:12


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2 Answers

There is no such thing as a script command, there are only scriptencoding and scriptnames (which can be abbreviated as scr, according to :h :scr). I presume you're looking for scriptnames.

With Vim 8 you can filter the results of most commands with :filter:

:filter /pattern/ scriptnames

(cf. :h :filter).

With older versions of Vim you can redirect all messages to a file before running :scriptnames, then cancel the redirection:

:redir >file
:redir END

(cf. :h :redir). Alternatively, you can redirect messages to a register, then paste the contents of the register to a buffer:

:redir @a
:redir END

Finally, Tim Pope's plugin scriptease adds a command :Scriptnames that runs :scriptnames and loads the results into a quickfix list.

like image 133
Sato Katsura Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 22:10

Sato Katsura

Instead of :redir, we have execute() with recent versions of vim.

Thus, you can play with :echo filter(split(execute('scritnames'), "\n"), 'v:val =~ "somepattern") or :new+put=execute(':scriptnames')+search in the buffer as you would have explored a log life.

like image 32
Luc Hermitte Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 22:10

Luc Hermitte