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How to scroll to the bottom of a RecyclerView? scrollToPosition doesn't work

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How do I scroll to the bottom of my recycler view?

Recyclerview scroll to bottom using scrollToPositon. After setting the adapter, then call the scrollToPosition function to scroll the recycler view to the bottom.

How scroll RecyclerView to bottom in android programmatically?

mLinearLayoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(this); recyclerView. setLayoutManager(mLinearLayoutManager); 3). On your Button onClick , do this to scroll to the bottom of your RecyclerView .

How do I make my RecyclerView scroll smooth?

Use the setHasFixedsize method If the height of our RecyclerView items is fixed then we should use the setHasFixedsize method in our XML of our card item. This will fix the height of our RecyclerView item and prevent it from increasing or decreasing the size of our Card Layout.

I was looking at this post to find the answer but... I think everyone on this post was facing the same scenario as me: scrollToPosition() was fully ignored, for an evident reason.

What I was using?


... what WORKED?

recyclerView.scrollToPosition(items.size() - 1);

Just set setStackFromEnd=true or setReverseLayout=true so that LLM will layout items from end.

The difference between these two is that setStackFromEnd will set the view to show the last element, the layout direction will remain the same. (So, in an left-to-right horizontal Recycler View, the last element will be shown and scrolling to the left will show the earlier elements)

Whereas setReverseLayout will change the order of the elements added by the Adapter. The layout will start from the last element, which will be the left-most in an LTR Recycler View and then, scrolling to the right will show the earlier elements.


final LinearLayoutManager linearLayoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(getActivity());

See documentation for details.

I know its late to answer here, still if anybody want to know solution is below

conversationView.smoothScrollToPosition(conversationView.getAdapter().getItemCount() - 1);

To scrolldown from any position in the recyclerview to bottom


editText.setOnClickListener {
        rv.scrollToPosition(rv.adapter.itemCount - 1)
    }, 1000)


edittext.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View view) {
                rv.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
                      rv.scrollToPosition(rv.getAdapter().getItemCount() - 1);
                }, 1000);

Add this code after sending message and before getting message from server

recyclerView.scrollToPosition(mChatList.size() - 1);

When you call setAdapter, that does not immediately lay out and position items on the screen (that takes a single layout pass) hence your scrollToPosition() call has no actual elements to scroll to when you call it.

Instead, you should register a ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener (via addOnGlobalLayoutListner() from a ViewTreeObserver created by conversationView.getViewTreeObserver()) which delays your scrollToPosition() until after the first layout pass:

conversationView.getViewTreeObserver().addOnGlobalLayoutListener(new ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
  public void onGlobalLayout() {
    // Unregister the listener to only call scrollToPosition once

    // Use vto.removeOnGlobalLayoutListener(this) on API16+ devices as 
    // removeGlobalOnLayoutListener is deprecated.
    // They do the same thing, just a rename so your choice.

Solution for Kotlin:

apply below code after setting "recyclerView.adapter" or after "recyclerView.adapter.notifyDataSetChanged()"

recyclerView.scrollToPosition(recyclerView.adapter.itemCount - 1)