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How to scrape a javascript website in Python?

I am trying to scrape a website. I have tried using two methods but both do not provide me with the full website source code that I am looking for. I am trying to scrape the news titles from the website URL provided below.

URL: "https://www.todayonline.com/"

These are the two methods I have tried but failed.

Method 1: Beautiful Soup

tdy_url = "https://www.todayonline.com/"
page = requests.get(tdy_url).text
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
soup  # Returns me a HTML with javascript text

### Returns me empty list []

Method 2: Selenium + BeautifulSoup

tdy_url = "https://www.todayonline.com/"

options = Options()
options.headless = True

driver = webdriver.Chrome("chromedriver",options=options)

html = driver.page_source

soup = BeautifulSoup(html)

### Returns me only less than 1/4 of the 'h3' tags found in the original page source 

Please help. I have tried scraping other news websites and it is so much easier. Thank you.

like image 935
CookieData Avatar asked Jan 25 '23 18:01


1 Answers

The news data on the website you are trying to scrape is fetched from the server using JavaScript (this is called XHR -- XMLHttpRequest). It is happening dynamically, while the page is loading or being scrolled. so this data is not returned inside the page returned by the server.

In the first example, you are getting only the page returned by the server -- without the news, but with JS that is supposed to get them. Neither requests nor BeautifulSoup can execute JS.

However, you can try to reproduce requests that are getting news titles from the server with Python requests. Do the following steps:

  1. Open DevTools of your browser (usually you have to press F12 or the combination of Ctrl+Shift+I for that), and take a look at requests that are getting news titles from the server. Sometimes, it is even easier than web scraping with BeautifulSoup. Here is a screenshot (Firefox): Screenshot (Firefox)
  1. Copy the request link (right-click -> Copy -> Copy link), and pass it to requests.get(...).

  2. Get .json() of the request. It will return a dict that is easy to work with. To better understand the structure of the dict, I would recommend to use pprint instead of simple print. Note you have to do from pprint import pprint before using it.

Here is an example of the code that gets the titles from the main news on the page:

import requests

nodes = requests.get("https://www.todayonline.com/api/v3/news_feed/7")\
for node in nodes:

If you want to scrape a group of news under caption, you need to change the number after news_feed/ in the request URL (to get it, you just need to filter the requests by "news_feed" in the DevTools and scroll the news page down).

Sometimes web sites have protection against bots (although the website you are trying to scrape doesn't). In such cases, you might need to do these steps as well.

like image 173
Demian Wolf Avatar answered Jan 29 '23 10:01

Demian Wolf