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How to Schedule a task for future execution in Task Parallel Library

Is there a way to schedule a Task for execution in the future using the Task Parallel Library?

I realize I could do this with pre-.NET4 methods such as System.Threading.Timer ... however if there is a TPL way to do this I'd rather stay within the design of the framework. I am not able to find one however.

Thank you.

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Slaggg Avatar asked Nov 19 '10 22:11


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1 Answers

This feature was introduced in the Async CTP, which has now been rolled into .NET 4.5. Doing it as follows does not block the thread, but returns a Task which will execute in the future.

Task<MyType> new_task = Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5))
                            .ContinueWith<MyType>( /*...*/ );

(If using the old Async releases, use the static class TaskEx instead of Task)

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Glenn Slayden Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 03:10

Glenn Slayden