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How to scale a TCP listener on modern multicore/multisocket machines

I have a daemon to write in C, that will need to handle 20-150K TCP connections simultaneously. They are long running connections, and rarely ever tear down. They have a very small amount of data (rarely exceeding MTU even.. it's a stimulus/response protocol) in transmit at any given time, but response times to them are critical. I'm wondering what the current UNIX community is using to get large amounts of sockets, and minimizing the latency on response of them. I've seen designs revolving around multiplexing connects to fork worker pools, threads (per connection), static sized thread pools. Any suggestions?

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Obi Avatar asked Oct 22 '09 17:10


3 Answers

the easiest suggestion is to use libevent, it makes it easy to write a simple non-blocking single-threaded server that would comply with your requirements.

if the processing for each response takes some time, or if it uses some blocking API (like almost anything from a DB), then you'll need some threading.

  • One answer is the worker threads, where you spawn a set of threads, each listening on some queue to work. it can be separate processes, instead of threads, if you like. The main difference would be the communications mechanism to tell the workers what to do.

  • A different way to do is to use several threads, and give to each of them a portion of those 150K connections. each will have it's own process loop and work mostly like the single-threaded server, except for the listening port, which will be handled by a single thread. This helps spreading the load between cores, but if you use a blocking resource, it would block all the connections handled by this specific thread.

libevent lets you use the second way if you're careful; but there's also an alternative: libev. it's not as well known as libevent, but it specifically supports the multi-loop scheme.

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Javier Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 07:10


If performance is critical then you'll really want to go for a multithreaded event loop solution - i.e. a pool of worker threads to handle your connections. Unfortunately, there is no abstraction library to do this that works on most Unix platforms (note that libevent is only single-threaded as are most of these event-loop libraries), so you'll have to do the dirty work yourself.

On Linux that means using edge-triggered epoll with a pool of worker threads (Windows would have I/O completion ports which also works fine in a multithreaded environment - I am not sure about other Unixes).

BTW, I have done some work trying to abstract edge-triggered epoll on Linux and Windows I/O completion ports on http://nginetd.cmeerw.org (it is work in progress, but might provide some ideas).

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cmeerw Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 08:10


If you have system configuration access don't over-do it and set up some iptables/pf/etc to load-balance connections across n daemon instances (processes) as this will work out of the box. Depending on how blocking the nature of the daemon n should be from the number of cores on the system or several times higher. This approach looks crude but it can handle broken daemons and even restart them if necessary. Also migration would be smooth as you could start diverting new connections to another set of processes (for example, a new release or migrating to a new box) instead of service interruptions. On top of that you get several features like source affinity wich can help significantly caching and contention of problematic sessions.

If you don't have system access (or ops can't be bothered), you can use load balancer daemon (there are plenty of open source ones) instead of iptables/pf/etc and use also n service daemons, like above.

Also this approach helps with separating privileges of ports. If the external service needs to service on a low port (<1024) you only need the load balancer running privileged/or admin/root, or kernel.)

I've written several IP load balancers in the past and it can be very error-prone in production. You don't want to support and debug that. Also operations and management will tend second-guess your code more than external code.

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alecco Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 07:10
