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how to save/load a trained model in H2o?



The user tutorial says

Navigate to Data > View All
Choose to filter by the model key
Hit Save Model
Input for path: /data/h2o-training/...
Hit Submit

The problem is that I do not have this menu (H2o,, web interface)

like image 696
Alex Lizz Avatar asked Jul 20 '15 17:07

Alex Lizz

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What is a MOJO? ¶ A MOJO (Model Object, Optimized) is an alternative to H2O's POJO. As with POJOs, H2O allows you to convert models that you build to MOJOs, which can then be deployed for scoring in real time.

What is h2o Python?

H2O from Python is a tool for rapidly turning over models, doing data munging, and building applications in a fast, scalable environment without any of the mental anguish about parallelism and distribution of work.

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a quick way to see the model's corresponding h2o version number (if you used h2o. saveModel() to save the model) is to open the model's file - you should be able to see the version number within the first line (in the form 3.10. 4.2).

2 Answers

I am, unfortunately, not familiar with the web interface but I can offer a workaround involving H2O in R. The functions

h2o.saveModel(object, dir = "", name = "", filename = "", force = FALSE)


h2o.loadModel(path, conn = h2o.getConnection())

Should offer what you need. I will try to have a look at H2O Flow.


I cannot find the possibility to explicitly save a model either. What you can do instead is save the 'Flow'. You ergo could upload/import your file, build the model and then save / load the status :-)

like image 61
Sebastian Hätälä Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 10:10

Sebastian Hätälä

When viewing the model in H2O Flow, you will see an 'Export' button as an action that can be taken against a model

From there, you will be prompted to specify a path in 'Export Model' dialog. Specify the path and hit the 'Export' button. That will save you model to disk.

I'm referring to H2O version

like image 36
Hank Roark Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 10:10

Hank Roark