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How to save PngImage from clipboard

How can i save the pngimage to file copied form AdobeFirewoks(Clipboard) or Photoshop without losing the transparency.

i am using delphi2009.

thank you in advance.

@TLama I tried this code but there is no transparency. I don't know also if i do it right.

  png := TPngimage.Create;
      Clipboard.GetAsHandle(CF_BITMAP), CF_BITMAP);
like image 524
XBasic3000 Avatar asked Sep 04 '12 07:09


People also ask

How do you save as a PNG file?

Save the image as PNG.Click on the “Save as type” drop-down menu under the File Name field to view all the compatible formats the image can be saved as. Select “PNG” then click “Save.” The file will be saved in the same directory as the original one but as a PNG file.

Where do clipboard images save?

Loading an image from the Windows™ clipboard copies an image from the clipboard and links it to the record displayed in the current program window. The newly copied image is stored in the images folder for the software module.

1 Answers

Photoshop's clipboard format is horrible. The only pretty valid data that contains the alpha channel stored into the clipboard is... guess? ... a pointer to the alpha channel's memory into the "Photoshop Paste In Place" chunk.... HORRIBLE. If you copy something then restart photoshop, the alpha is... lost :)

However, you can easily understand if the clipboard contains Photoshop image.

Ask the Clipboard what chunks it have.

If the clipboard have two chunks, named "Photoshop Paste In Place" AND "Object Descriptor", you can be 99.9% sure that Photoshop IS RUNNING on the system AND Clipboard contains reference to Photoshop data. (When Photoshop quits, the Object Descriptor chunk gets removed from the Clipboard, so the alpha is lost forever)

So then, you have two choices:

Choice 1 (not recommended): Open Photoshop's Process Memory and read the raw 32-bit image data from the pointer... which is overall idiotic to do and unsecure, or

Choice 2 (recommended): Use COM to extract the image data from Photoshop. Of course, the COM method is the best way. Make your program generate and run the following VBS script:

On Error Resume Next
Set Ps = CreateObject("Photoshop.Application")
Set Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set FileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 

Dim PNGFileName
PNGFileName = Shell.CurrentDirectory & "\psClipboard.png"

If FileSystem.FileExists(PNGFileName) Then 
    FileSystem.DeleteFile PNGFileName
End If

Set Doc = Ps.Documents.Add(1,1,72,"psClipboard",,3)


If Err.Number = 0 Then 
    set PNGSaveOptions = CreateObject("Photoshop.PNGSaveOptions")
    doc.saveAs PNGFileName, PNGSaveOptions
End If


In the script's CurrentDirectory, a file names "psClipboard.png" will be generated. Read this file in your program using libPng or whatever, and treat is as if it was come from the Clipboard. This script will DELETE the psClipboard.png, then will ask Photoshop for it. In case a Paste returns Error, the script will cease and the file will not be generated, in which case, Clipboard didn't contained valid Photoshop reference data.

like image 181
Петър Петров Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 11:11

Петър Петров