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How to save Eclipse settings (fonts, formatting, etc.)?



How can I export my settings (fonts, syntax coloring, formatting, etc.) in Eclipse 3.6, so I can use them again in another installation?

like image 785
Tony the Pony Avatar asked Nov 18 '10 12:11

Tony the Pony

People also ask

Where does Eclipse save project settings?

Where are they stored? Most preferences are stored under the workspace location, in a folder named . metadata. If you use project-specific settings (a good idea in general), those are stored under the project root directories in various folders and files, mostly beginning with .

What is the default font in Eclipse?

The default font style eclipse is using is Consolas however Courier New is also a good option to go with.

What is the best font for Eclipse?

If running on Windows, you may give Microsoft Consolas a shot (included in Vista or later, and available as a separate download). I use it everywhere. Show activity on this post. I'm a huge fan of Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, which I use at 9pt.

2 Answers

You can save the folder '.metadata' in your workspace.

This folder contain your preferences, simply restore it after a re-installation and your done.

The '.metadata' folder can contain projects/plugins specific settings, the 'core' eclipse settings are in: '.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings'

Theses 'core' settings can be exported using 'File -> Export -> Preferences' too as Csaba_H said.

like image 195
Alois Cochard Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 07:10

Alois Cochard

Settings can be exported to a file using File -> Export -> Preferences, and you can import it to another Eclipse workspace.

like image 23
Csaba_H Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 07:10
