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"Open Project" button in Eclipse is disabled



I have just downloaded Eclipse, started it and found that "Open Project" button is disabled. So how do I open my project =) ?

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user590444 Avatar asked Jul 10 '11 10:07


People also ask

Can not open project in Eclipse?

A more complex solution would be to try and rename an existing project in your current workspace. Check other causes in: "Some projects cannot be imported because they already exist in the workspace error in Eclipse" "Erased project from Project Explorer and cannot re-import it"

How do I open a closed project in Eclipse?

To reopen a closed project, in the Package Explorer view, select the closed project and click on the Project menu and select Open Project. Once the project is open its content can be edited using the Eclipse user interface.

2 Answers

Go to File->Import and select "General" and from the list select "Existing Projects into Workspace" then click "Next". After that in the next dialog, for the root directory, if your project exists in the "D:\Projects\Android\Test" folder (for example), type "D:\Projects\Android" and click on "Refresh" button. You will see your project(s) in the result list. Click on "Finish" and done.

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Amir Dashti Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 00:09

Amir Dashti

"Open Project" button will only be enabled when there is a project selected in the active view. If you just downloaded Eclipse and started on a brand new workspace without any project created or imported, you would need to use File > New > Project... or File > Import... to add a project in your workspace.

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Yun Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09
