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How to save batch of data in Parse Cloud Code?

In my cloud code, I would like to update all of my record which is around 50k with a new data. But I noticed that my job fails even though I follow 1000 records limit. I get success/error was not called error for this job. Any Idea how can I resolve this?

Parse.Cloud.job("hello", function(request, response) { Parse.Cloud.useMasterKey();   var results = []; var limit = 1000;  var saveUpdatedQueries = function(queries) {     console.log("updating records " + queries.length);      Parse.Object.saveAll(queries,{         success:function(lists){         console.log("lists ok "+lists.length);          if (!results.length) {             response.success("finished");             return;         }          updatingRecords(lists.length);          },error: function(reason){             console.log("error");         }     }); }  var updatingRecords = function(skip) {     var tempRecords = [];      if (skip) {         results = results.slice(skip);     }      console.log("skip: " + skip + " Results length: "+ results.length);      for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {         var today = new Date();         var newObject = results[i];         newObject.set('newCulumn', today);         tempRecords.push(newObject);          if (i === results.length - 1 || tempRecords.length === limit) {             break;         };     };      saveUpdatedQueries(tempRecords); }  var processCallback = function(res) {     results = results.concat(res);     if (res.length === limit) {         process(res[res.length - 1].id);         return;     }      updatingRecords(0); }  var process = function(skip) {     var query = new Parse.Query(Parse.Installation);      if (skip) {         query.greaterThan("objectId", skip);     }      query.limit(limit);     query.ascending("objectId");     query.find().then(function querySuccess(res) {     processCallback(res);      }, function queryFailed(reason) {         if (reason.code == 155 || reason.code == 141) { // exceeded parse timout             console.log("time out error");             process(skip);         } else {             response.error("query unsuccessful, length of result " + results.length + ", error:" + reason.code + " " + reason.message);         }     }); }  process(false);  }); 
like image 305
Soheil Avatar asked Dec 15 '15 11:12


1 Answers

Basically in cloud architecture, request time out time is around 60 sec, but you try to insert over thousands records in one transaction , it takes more than 60 seconds, that's why your request always fail.

There's better ways to insert bigger amount of records,

  1. Task Queues
  2. Cron or scheduled task

I think task queue is better for your problem. watch this video, you can get super idea about task queues

Task queue & cron jobs

like image 168
Naween Banuka Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 18:10

Naween Banuka