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How to satisfy the compiler when only partially implementing an interface with an abstract class?


I have an interface here named IFish. I want to derive it with an abstract class (WalkingFishCommon) which provides an incomplete implementation, so that classes derived from WalkingFishCommon do not have to implement the CanWalk property:

interface IFish {     bool Swim();     bool CanWalk { get; } }  abstract class WalkingFishCommon : IFish {     bool IFish.CanWalk { get { return true; } }      // (1) Error: must declare a body, because it is not marked     // abstract, extern, or partial     // bool IFish.Swim();      // (2) Error: the modifier 'abstract' is not valid for this item     // abstract bool IFish.Swim();      // (3): If no declaration is provided, compiler says      // "WalkingFishCommon does not implement member IFish.Swim()"     // {no declaration}      // (4) Error: the modifier 'virtual' is not valid for this item     // virtual bool IFish.Swim();      // (5) Compiles, but fails to force derived class to implement Swim()     bool IFish.Swim() { return true; } } 

I've not yet discovered how to make the compiler happy, while still achieving the goal of forcing classes derived from WalkingFishCommon to implement the Swim() method. Particularly baffling is the delta between (1) and (2), where the compiler alternates between complaining that Swim() isn't marked abstract, and in the next breath complains that it can't be marked abstract. Interesting error!

Any help?

like image 902
Stabledog Avatar asked Aug 08 '13 14:08


People also ask

How do you partially implement an interface?

You can do this by creating an abstract class that implements the interface. Any sub-class of this abstract class will be required to implement any interface methods that were not yet defined. See: Java tutorial on abstract classes.

What are the conditions to be satisfied while declaring abstract classes?

1) Abstract method has no body. 2) Always end the declaration with a semicolon(;). 3) It must be overridden. An abstract class must be extended and in a same way abstract method must be overridden.

What happens when an abstract class implements an interface?

Java Abstract class can implement interfaces without even providing the implementation of interface methods. Java Abstract class is used to provide common method implementation to all the subclasses or to provide default implementation. We can run abstract class in java like any other class if it has main() method.

What happens if I will not provide an abstract method in abstract class and interface?

And yes, you can declare abstract class without defining an abstract method in it. Once you declare a class abstract it indicates that the class is incomplete and, you cannot instantiate it. Hence, if you want to prevent instantiation of a class directly you can declare it abstract.

1 Answers

Just declare Swim as abstract and don't try to use explicit interface declaration for it (i.e. remove IFish).

abstract class WalkingFishCommon : IFish {     public bool CanWalk { get { return true; } }     public abstract bool Swim(); } 
like image 169
Servy Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 23:10
