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how to remove all documents from a collection except one in MongoDB



Is there any way to remove all the documents except one from a collection based on condition.

I am using MongoDB version 2.4.9

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AshokGK Avatar asked Jun 04 '14 12:06


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3 Answers

You can do this in below way,

db.inventory.remove( { type : "food" } )

Above query will remove documents with type equals to "food"

To remove document that not matches condition you can do,

db.inventory.remove( { type : { $ne: "food" } } )


db.inventory.remove( { type : { $nin: ["Apple", "Mango"] } } )

Check here for more info.

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maximus ツ Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 04:10

maximus ツ

To remove all documents except one, we can use the query operator $nin (not in) over a specified array containing the values related to the documents that we want to keep.


The advantage of $nin array is that we can use it to delete all documents except one or two or even many other documents.

To delete all documents except two:

db.collections.remove({"field_name":{$nin:["valueX", "valueY"]}})

To delete all documents except three:

db.collections.remove({"field_name":{$nin:["valueX", "valueY", "valueZ"]}})
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Taha EL BOUFFI Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 06:10



db.collection.remove({ "fieldName" : { $ne : "value"}})
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Tushar Mishra Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 04:10

Tushar Mishra