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node.js async.eachSeries calling final callback too early

This is what I want: I have a large array called results. Each item in that array I want to put in my iteration function and have it saved to my mongoDB (I omitted some steps here as well which are not important). After every single one of those items has been saved to the database (or refused) I want console.log to display 'All done'. Unfortunately All done is displayed almost immediately after calling the series while everything else is still processing. How do I do this right?

I am using mongoose with a model called 'light' and for readability I omitted all err messages from the code. I use node-async for the eachSeries part

var async = require('async');    
var results = [very big array]
var iteration = function(row,callbackDone) {
  light.find({data: row.data}, function (err,entry) {
    if(entry.length) {
      return console.log(entry + ' already exists');
    var newEntry = new light(row);
    newEntry.save(function (err,doc) {
      console.log(entry + ' saved');

async.eachSeries(results,iteration, function (err) {
  console.log('All done');
like image 498
elmalto Avatar asked Oct 02 '22 14:10


1 Answers

(An answer, not a comment, because the text was too long...)

I'm using async for something too and your question puzzled me. I tried the code below, getting the results even further down. It worked fine for me. (async 0.2.9). Even changing my timeout delays to 0.

The only thing that looked odd was the if(entry.length) block printed console information after the callback. If you were getting a lot of "already exists" messages I could see potentially them coming later - but that doesn't sound like what you are describing.

var async = require('async');  
var console = require('console');
var results = [ ];
results.push( {id:1,data:'a'} );
results.push( {id:2,data:'b'} );
results.push( {id:3,data:'c'} );
results.push( {id:4,data:'d'} );

function doFind( obj, callback ) {
  setTimeout( function() {
    console.log( "finding id=" + obj.data.id );
    obj.data.length = obj.data.id % 2;
    callback( null, obj.data );
  }, 500 );

function light( obj ) {
  this.id = obj.id;
  this.data = obj.data;
  this.save = function( callback ) {
    setTimeout( function() {
      console.log( "saving id=" + obj.id );
      callback( null, this );
    }, 500 );

var iteration = function(row,callbackDone) {
  doFind({data: row}, function (err,entry) {
    if(entry.length) {
      return console.log( 'id=' + entry.id + ' already exists');
    var newEntry = new light(row);
    newEntry.save(function (err,doc) {
      console.log( 'id=' + entry.id + ' saved');

async.eachSeries(results, iteration, function (err) {
  console.log('All done');


finding id=1
id=1 already exists
finding id=2
saving id=2
id=2 saved
finding id=3
id=3 already exists
finding id=4
saving id=4
id=4 saved
All done
like image 198
clay Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 11:10
