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How to safely open regular files without denial-of-service vulnerability?

The flag O_DIRECTORY can be used with the syscalls open(2) and openat(2) to avoid denial-of-service vulnerabilities when opening directories. However: How can I avoid the same kind of race conditions for regular files?

Some background information: I am trying to develop some kind of backup tool. The programs walks over a directory tree, reads all regular files and only stats other files. If I first call fstatat(2) for each directory entry, test the result for regular files and open them with openat(2), then there is a race condition between the syscalls. An attacker could replace the regular file with a FIFO, and my program would hang on the FIFO.

How can I avoid this race condition? For directories, there is O_DIRECTORY, for symbolic links, O_PATH can be used. However, I have found no solution for regular files. I only need a solution that works on recent Linux versions.

like image 992
nosid Avatar asked Jan 12 '23 15:01


1 Answers

If your only concern is fifos, O_NONBLOCK will prevent blocking and allow you to open a fifo even if it has a no writers (see http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/functions/open.html for where this is specified). However, there are also a few other concerns:

  • Device nodes
  • Fake files in Linux /proc with bad properties
  • ...

Since these normally can't be created in arbitrary locations by non-root users, O_NOFOLLOW should be sufficient to avoid following symlinks to them.

With that said, on modern Linux there is an even safer solution: perform the initial open with O_PATH|O_NOFOLLOW, then perform stat on /proc/self/fd/%d to check the file type. You can then open /proc/self/fd/%d and be completely certain it corresponds to the same file you just stat'd.

Note that on sufficiently new Linux, you don't need to use /proc/self/fd/%d to reach the file to which you obtained an inode handle with O_PATH. You can use fstat and openat on it directly to "stat" it and get a descriptor to a real open file description, respectively. However O_PATH file descriptors had a lot of broken/unimplemented corner cases like this in the range of late 2.6.x (when they were first added) to 3.8 or so, and I find the /proc method the most reliable. Of course you could always try the direct method and fallback to /proc if it fails.

like image 96
R.. GitHub STOP HELPING ICE Avatar answered Jan 22 '23 23:01