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How to run requests.get asynchronously in Python 3 using asyncio?

I'm trying to create simple web monitoring script which sends GET request to urls in list periodically and asynchronously. Here is my request function:

def request(url,timeout=10):
        response = requests.get(url,timeout=timeout)
        response_time = response.elapsed.total_seconds()
        if response.status_code in (404,500):
        html_response = response.text
        soup = BeautifulSoup(html_response,'lxml')
        # process page here
        logger.info("OK {}. Response time: {} seconds".format(url,response_time))
    except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
        logger.error('Connection error. {} is down. Response time: {} seconds'.format(url,response_time))
    except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
        logger.error('Timeout. {} not responding. Response time: {} seconds'.format(url,response_time))
    except requests.exceptions.HTTPError:
        logger.error('HTTP Error. {} returned status code {}. Response time: {} seconds'.format(url,response.status_code, response_time))
    except requests.exceptions.TooManyRedirects:
        logger.error('Too many redirects for {}. Response time: {} seconds'.format(url,response_time))
        logger.error('Content requirement not found for {}. Response time: {} seconds'.format(url,response_time))

And here where I call this function for all urls:

def async_requests(delay,urls):
    for url in urls:
        async_task = make_async(request,delay,url,10)

delay argument is interval for loop which describes how often function needs to be executed. In order to loop request I created something like this:

def make_async(func,delay,*args,**kwargs):

    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        func(*args, **kwargs)
        loop.call_soon(delay, wrapper)

    return wrapper

every time I execute async_requests I get this error for each url:

Exception in callback 1.0(<function mak...x7f1d48dd1730>)
handle: <Handle 1.0(<function mak...x7f1d48dd1730>)>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/asyncio/events.py", line 125, in _run
TypeError: 'float' object is not callable

Also request functions for each urls are not being executed periodically as intended. Also my print function which goes after async_requests is not executed either:


I understand that I'm doing something wrong in code but I can't figure how to solve this problem. I'm beginner in python and not very experienced with asyncio. Summarizing what I want to achive:

  • Run asynchronously and periodcally request for particular url without blocking main thread.
  • Run async_requests asynchronously so I could launch a simple http server for example in same thread.
like image 492
devaerial Avatar asked Jan 10 '18 21:01


People also ask

Does requests work with Asyncio?

asyncio enables to actually handle many concurrent (not parallel!) requests with no threads at all (well, just one). However, requests does not support asyncio so you need to create threads to get concurrency.

How do I run asynchronously in Python?

To run an async function (coroutine) you have to call it using an Event Loop. Event Loops: You can think of Event Loop as functions to run asynchronous tasks and callbacks, perform network IO operations, and run subprocesses. Example 1: Event Loop example to run async Function to run a single async function: Python3.

1 Answers


It'll catch also service exceptions line KeyboardInterrupt or StopIteration. Never do such thing. Instead write:

except Exception:

How to run requests.get asynchronously in Python 3 using asyncio?

requests.get is blocking by nature.

You should either find async alternative for requests like aiohttp module:

async def get(url):
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        async with session.get(url) as resp:
            return await resp.text()

or run requests.get in separate thread and await this thread asynchronicity using loop.run_in_executor:

executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(2)

async def get(url):
    response = await loop.run_in_executor(executor, requests.get, url)
    return response.text
like image 105
Mikhail Gerasimov Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 21:11

Mikhail Gerasimov