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How to run multiple tests with Spring Boot



With Spring Boot 1.5, how could I run multiple tests which are in different classes?


I have `Service1` tests in `Service1test.java`;

I have `Service2` tests in `Service2test.java`;

I shall need to run both in one go.

like image 290
nomadus Avatar asked May 13 '17 07:05


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1 Answers

What I have done is as follows: In the main class

public class DataApplicationTests {
    public void contextLoads() {

In the PostServiceTest I have

public class PostServiceTest  {
    IPostService postService;

    public void initiate() {
        System.out.println("Initiating the before steps");

    public void testFindPosts() {
        List<Post> posts= postService.findPosts();
        Assert.assertNotNull("failure - expected Not Null", posts);       

The second class, UserServiceTest has similar structure.

When I run the DataApplicationTests, it runs both the classes.

like image 131
nomadus Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 05:09
