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How to run multiple programs using batch file


I like to run two programs using batch file, but the condition is, the second program must start only after the first program loaded, so is there any way to control using timer to control when the program starts.

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srisar Avatar asked Apr 04 '11 03:04


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Find the Apps You Want to Open Simultaneously You will see a File Explorer window with your app's icon highlighted on it. Right-click your app's icon, and from the menu that opens, select “Properties.” In the “Properties” window, click the “Target” field and press Ctrl+A.

Is there a way to use one command to start more than one program at a time?

Well, you can, by creating a batch file, or a desktop shortcut that opens two or three or more specified programs at once. This tip works in older versions of Windows as well. Step 1: Open the Start menu and go to All apps to find the first program you want to open in your batch.

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Select the Task View icon on the taskbar, or press Alt-Tab on your keyboard to see apps or switch between them. To use two or more apps at a time, grab the top of an app window and drag it to the side. Then choose another app and it'll automatically snap into place.

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Create Batch File to Run EXE Save your file with the file extension . bat , e.g. run-exe-program. bat and double click on it to run the .exe program.

1 Answers

I needed the same thing, and found out that following thing works as hoped:

start D:\Michal\Xming\Xming.exe -multiwindow start D:\Michal\Xming\putty.exe start D:\Michal\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe 

And it all is saved in file Login.bat.

BTW, I am running Win7 but I doubt that this has any impact.

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Rao Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 21:10
