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How can i detect if the request is coming from a mobile browser in my asp.net MVC 3


what i am trying to achieve is simple; Among all the view which i have in my web application, i have only two razor views that i have created a mobile version for them. so i need to redirect the users to these views if they are accessing the application from their mobile devices. i tried the following on the controller level but it did not redirect the users when i run my test on different mobile devices :-

if (Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice)             {                 return View("MobileStudentStartAssessment");             }             else {                 return View("StudentStartAssessment");             } 

So is there another approach that i can follow which can detect most of the mobile devices? Thanks

like image 775
qalife4ever Avatar asked Aug 12 '11 01:08


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1 Answers

You can use the Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice property.

like image 164
BFree Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09
