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How to run a Python Script from Deno?

I have a python script with the following code:

print("Hello Deno")

I want to run this python script (test.py) from test.ts using Deno. This is the code in test.ts so far:

const cmd = Deno.run({cmd: ["python3", "test.py"]});

How can I get the output, of the python script in Deno?

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Arnab Chakraborty Avatar asked May 10 '20 10:05

Arnab Chakraborty

1 Answers

Deno.run returns an instance of Deno.Process. In order to get the output use .output(). Don't forget to pass stdout/stderr options if you want to read the contents.

// --allow-run
const cmd = Deno.run({
  cmd: ["python3", "test.py"], 
  stdout: "piped",
  stderr: "piped"

const output = await cmd.output() // "piped" must be set
const outStr = new TextDecoder().decode(output);

const error = await p.stderrOutput();
const errorStr = new TextDecoder().decode(error);

cmd.close(); // Don't forget to close it

console.log(outStr, errorStr);

If you don't pass stdout property you'll get the output directly to stdout

 const p = Deno.run({
      cmd: ["python3", "test.py"]

 await p.status();
 // output to stdout "Hello Deno"
 // calling p.output() will result in an Error

You can also send the output to a File

// --allow-run --allow-read --allow-write
const filepath = "/tmp/output";
const file = await Deno.open(filepath, {
      create: true,
      write: true

const p = Deno.run({
      cmd: ["python3", "test.py"],
      stdout: file.rid,
      stderr: file.rid // you can use different file for stderr

await p.status();

const fileContents = await Deno.readFile(filepath);
const text = new TextDecoder().decode(fileContents);


In order to check status code of the process you need to use .status()

const status = await cmd.status()
// { success: true, code: 0, signal: undefined }
// { success: false, code: number, signal: number }

In case you need to write data to stdin you can do it like this:

const p = Deno.run({
    cmd: ["python", "-c", "import sys; assert 'foo' == sys.stdin.read();"],
    stdin: "piped",

// send other value for different status code
const msg = new TextEncoder().encode("foo"); 
const n = await p.stdin.write(msg);


const status = await p.status();


You'll need to run Deno with: --allow-run flag in order to use Deno.run

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Marcos Casagrande Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 13:10

Marcos Casagrande