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How to run a flow once, automatically when starting mule?




I have a java class that creates a clean MongoDB database with seeded collections. It automatically identifies if the database is missing and creates it. I would like to run this when I start MuleEsb. This way I don't need to remember to invoke it before I start mule. I was hoping to put it inside a flow and run that flow once, automatically when mule starts up.

Is there a way to do this one-time operation when mule starts?

--- Update ---

As per the conversation below I added the following to my mule config and the flow is automatically triggered.

<quartz:connector name="Quartz" validateConnections="true"/>

<flow name="testService1">
    <quartz:inbound-endpoint name="runOnce" repeatCount="0" repeatInterval="1" jobName="job1" connector-ref="Quartz">

    <logger message="INBOUND HEADERS = #[headers:inbound:*]" level="WARN"/>
like image 466
TERACytE Avatar asked Jul 03 '13 23:07


People also ask

Can a flow be stopped and started programmatically in Mule?

To be able to start and stop flows in Mule 4. x you need to acquire the Mule Registry and then get the flow. This KB provides a way to stop and start Mule flow using a Groovy script and Java SDK connector in Mule 4.

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In the Package Explorer, expand the contents of your project's folder, then double-click to open the mule-project. xml file. Studio displays the contents of the file as fields in which you can change the values. Use the drop-down to select the Server Runtime you wish to use to run your Studio project.

1 Answers

I created a JIRA a month ago to request such a feature: http://www.mulesoft.org/jira/browse/MULE-6877

For now, you can use a trick: a Quartz inbound endpoint with an event generator job repeatCount = 0 that will trigger your flow only once at startup.

Alternatively, you can listen to context events and invoke a flow when a specific event is triggered. The following shows a listener that invokes a startup and a shutdown flow:

package com.acme;

import org.mule.DefaultMuleEvent;
import org.mule.DefaultMuleMessage;
import org.mule.MessageExchangePattern;
import org.mule.api.MuleException;
import org.mule.api.MuleRuntimeException;
import org.mule.api.context.notification.MuleContextNotificationListener;
import org.mule.config.i18n.MessageFactory;
import org.mule.construct.Flow;
import org.mule.context.notification.MuleContextNotification;

public class FlowInvokingContextListener implements MuleContextNotificationListener<MuleContextNotification>
    private Flow startingFlow;
    private Flow stoppingFlow;

    public void onNotification(final MuleContextNotification notification)
        if (notification.getAction() == MuleContextNotification.CONTEXT_STARTED)
            sendNotificationToFlow(notification, startingFlow);
        else if (notification.getAction() == MuleContextNotification.CONTEXT_STOPPING)
            sendNotificationToFlow(notification, stoppingFlow);

    private void sendNotificationToFlow(final MuleContextNotification notification, final Flow flow)
            final DefaultMuleEvent event = new DefaultMuleEvent(new DefaultMuleMessage(notification,
                notification.getMuleContext()), MessageExchangePattern.REQUEST_RESPONSE, startingFlow);
        catch (final MuleException me)
            throw new MuleRuntimeException(MessageFactory.createStaticMessage("Failed to invoke: "
                                                                              + startingFlow), me);

    public void setStartingFlow(final Flow startingFlow)
        this.startingFlow = startingFlow;

    public void setStoppingFlow(final Flow stoppingFlow)
        this.stoppingFlow = stoppingFlow;

Configured with:

    <spring:bean name="flowInvokingContextListener"
        p:startingFlow-ref="startFlow" p:stoppingFlow-ref="stopFlow" />

    <notification event="CONTEXT" />
    <notification-listener ref="flowInvokingContextListener" />
like image 117
David Dossot Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 16:11

David Dossot