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Total Number of String objects created in the process?

String str1="JAVA";
String str2="JAVA";
String str3=new String("JAVA");
String str4=new String("JAVA").intern();

2 objects will be created. str1 and str2 refer to same object because of String literal pool concept and str3 points to new object because using new operator and str4 points to the same object points by str1 and str2 because intern() method checks into string pool for string having same value.


One object will be eligible for GC. That is the object created through String str3=new String("JAVA"). The first String object is always accessible through reference stored in string literal pool.

Is my explanation correct?

like image 943
Jaikant Bhagwan Das Avatar asked Jun 29 '13 07:06

Jaikant Bhagwan Das

People also ask

How many String objects are created?

The answer is: 2 String objects are created. str and str2 both refer to the same object. str3 has the same content but using new forced the creation of a new, distinct, object.

How do you count the number of objects created?

In order to count the number of objects, we need to add a count variable in the constructor and increments its value by 1 for each invocation. Remember that the variable count must a class-level variable.

How many String objects are created in for loop?

In first for loop(since have used new String) 10 Objects will be created and In second for-loop only one object will be created and will be reused(as it will be stored in String pool). Save this answer.

How many String objects are created in heap?

The answer is 1. "A" is added to the heap before any of the 3 lines run via the String Pool , which exists in the heap. The first two lines reference those existing values from the string pool. The third line forces the creation of a new object on the heap.

1 Answers

Total Number of String objects created in the process?

Three: The one in the intern pool created via the literal and the two you create via new String.

One object will be eligible for GC.

I count two, and possibly even all three under very special circumstances:

  1. The one you created in this line:

    String str3=new String("JAVA");

    (since you later set str3 to null).

  2. The one you created temporarily in this line:

    String str4=new String("JAVA").intern();

    That line creates a new String object, calls intern on it, and then saves a reference to the string from the pool. So in theory, it creates a String object that is immediately available for GC. (The JVM may be smart enough not to do that, but that's the theory.)

  3. Possibly, eventually, under the right conditions, even the string in the intern pool. Contrary to popular belief, strings in the intern pool are available for garbage collection as we can see from the answer to this other question. Just because they're in the permgen (unless you're using Oracle's JVM 7 or later) that doesn't mean they're not GC'd, since the permgen is GC'd too. So the question becomes: When or how is a string literal used in code no longer referenced? I don't know the answer, but I think a reasonable assumption would be: When and if the class using it is unloaded from memory. According to this other answer, that can only happen if both the class and its classloader are unloaded (and may not happen even then). If the class was loaded by the system classloader (the normal case), then presumably it's never unloaded.

So almost certainly just two (#1 and #2 above), but it was fun looking into #3 as well.

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T.J. Crowder Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 18:10

T.J. Crowder