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How to round edges of UILabel with Swift




I have looked in the attributes of labels in Xcode 6.3 but I have not found out how to round the edges in the same way that you can round the edges of a text field.

like image 836
Michael Paniccia Avatar asked Jun 30 '15 18:06

Michael Paniccia

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2 Answers

The trick is to set maskToBounds to true. Then your modifications to cornerRadius will be visible.

label.layer.masksToBounds = true label.layer.cornerRadius = 5 
like image 86
spencer.sm Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 17:09


Assuming you have added a backgroundColor to your label otherwise there would be no way to tell if it had edges, you can use QuartzCore to round the edges of a label.

import QuartzCore  yourLabel.layer.backgroundColor  = UIColor.redColor().CGColor yourLabel.layer.cornerRadius = 5 yourLabel.layer.masksToBounds = true 
like image 25
Tim Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 17:09
