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How to rollback or commit a transaction in SQL Server

In my stored procedure, I have three insert statements.

On duplicate key value insertion first two queries generate the error

Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint

and third query runs as usual.

Now I want that if any query generates any exception, everything should get rolled back.

If there isn't any exception generate by any query, it should get committed.

declare @QuantitySelected as char     set @QuantitySelected = 2      declare @sqlHeader as varchar(1000)     declare @sqlTotals as varchar(1000)     declare @sqlLine as varchar(1000)      select @sqlHeader = 'Insert into tblKP_EstimateHeader '     select @sqlHeader = @sqlHeader + '(CompanyID,CompanyName,ProjectName,EstimateID,EstimateHeader,QuoteDate,ValidUntil,RFQNum,Revision,Contact,Status,NumConfigurations) '     select @sqlHeader = @sqlHeader + ' select CompanyID,CompanyName,ProjectName,EstimateID,EstimateHeader,QuoteDate,ValidUntil,RFQNum,Revision,Contact,Status,NumConfigurations '     select @sqlHeader = @sqlHeader +  'from V_EW_Estimate_Header where EstimateID = 2203'        select @sqlTotals = 'Insert into tblKP_Estimate_Configuration_Totals '     select @sqlTotals = @sqlTotals + '(ConfigRecId,RecId,SellQty,ConfigNum,ConfigDesc,SortOrder,OptionsInMainPrice,MarkupPctQty,'     select @sqlTotals = @sqlTotals + ' SellPriceQty,RubberStamp,OptPriceQty,StatusRecid,LastUpdate_Date,LastUpdate_User,TotalCost,QuantityBracketSelected)'     select @sqlTotals = @sqlTotals + ' select ConfigRecId,RecId,SellQty' + @QuantitySelected + ',ConfigNum,ConfigDesc,SortOrder,OptionsInMainPrice'     select @sqlTotals = @sqlTotals + ' ,MarkupPctQty' + @QuantitySelected + ',SellPriceQty' + @QuantitySelected + ',RubberStamp,OptPriceQty' + @QuantitySelected + ',StatusRecid,LastUpdate_Date,LastUpdate_User,TotalCost' + @QuantitySelected + ',' + @QuantitySelected     select @sqlTotals = @sqlTotals + ' from v_EW_Estimate_Configuration_Totals where ConfigRecId = -3'       select @sqlLine = 'Insert into tblKP_Estimate_Configuration_Lines'     select @sqlLine = @sqlLine + '(MstrRfqRecId,RfqRecId,RfqLineRecId,CompanyId,VendorQuoteNum,LineGrp,LineNum,StatusRecId,'     select @sqlLine = @sqlLine + ' LineDesc,LineSize,LineMatl,LineDeco,LineFinish,CopyFromRecId,PerPieceCost,IsOptional,'     select @sqlLine = @sqlLine + ' CopyToNewRev,RecId,UnitPrice,LineQty,LinePrice,CustOrVend,SellQty1,RfqNum,ConfigLineIsOptional,ConfigLinePerPieceCost,ConfigLineRecid,SellPrice,SaleQty)'     select @sqlLine = @sqlLine + ' select distinct MstrRfqRecId,RfqRecId,RfqLineRecId,CompanyId,VendorQuoteNum,LineGrp,LineNum,'     select @sqlLine = @sqlLine + ' StatusRecId,LineDesc,LineSize,LineMatl,LineDeco,LineFinish,CopyFromRecId,PerPieceCost,IsOptional,'     select @sqlLine = @sqlLine + ' CopyToNewRev,RecId,UnitPrice' + @QuantitySelected + ',LineQty' + @QuantitySelected + ', isnull(LinePrice' + @QuantitySelected + ', 0.0000),CustOrVend,SellQty' + @QuantitySelected + ',RfqNum,ConfigLineIsOptional,ConfigLinePerPieceCost,ConfigLineRecid,SellPrice' + @QuantitySelected + ',SaleQty' + @QuantitySelected     select @sqlLine = @sqlLine + ' from v_EW_EstimateLine  where rfqlinerecid in (select RfqLineRecID from kp_tblVendorRfqConfigLine where ConfigRecID = -3) '      exec( @sqlHeader)     exec(@sqlTotals)     exec(@sqlLine) 
like image 288
Code Rider Avatar asked Feb 21 '13 21:02

Code Rider

People also ask

How do we commit a transaction in SQL Server?

Marks the end of a successful implicit or explicit transaction. If @@TRANCOUNT is 1, COMMIT TRANSACTION makes all data modifications since the start of the transaction a permanent part of the database, frees the transaction's resources, and decrements @@TRANCOUNT to 0.

How do I rollback a commit transaction?

After you commit the transaction, the changes are visible to other users' statements that execute after the commit. You can roll back (undo) any changes made during the transaction with the ROLLBACK statement (see ROLLBACK.

1 Answers

The good news is a transaction in SQL Server can span multiple batches (each exec is treated as a separate batch.)

You can wrap your EXEC statements in a BEGIN TRANSACTION and COMMIT but you'll need to go a step further and rollback if any errors occur.

Ideally you'd want something like this:

BEGIN TRY     BEGIN TRANSACTION          exec( @sqlHeader)         exec(@sqlTotals)         exec(@sqlLine)     COMMIT END TRY BEGIN CATCH      IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0         ROLLBACK END CATCH 

The BEGIN TRANSACTION and COMMIT I believe you are already familiar with. The BEGIN TRY and BEGIN CATCH blocks are basically there to catch and handle any errors that occur. If any of your EXEC statements raise an error, the code execution will jump to the CATCH block.

Your existing SQL building code should be outside the transaction (above) as you always want to keep your transactions as short as possible.

like image 73
Code Magician Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 06:09

Code Magician