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How to robocopy subfolders with content

It is hard to believe but I seem to be not able to copy a folder with all its files (that begin with a certain character) and subfolders (beginning with the same character) to another folder in Windows 7. I used copy, xcopy and robocopy but all I do achieve is, that all files in the top level directory and all the subdirectories but without their content get copied. What am I doing wrong? I tried several ways, my last try was:

robocopy path\path\here x* path\path\there /E

I also tried


but with the same result.

like image 262
Largo Avatar asked Jun 24 '14 11:06


1 Answers

Your robocopy syntax is incorrect. Is should be:

robocopy path\path\here path\path\there x* /E
like image 101
idarryl Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 14:10
